Dr. Suj Chandrasekhar is founder and a principal at Strategic Insights, a business strategy and consulting firm based out of Washington DC. Strategic Insights specializes in Market Research, Data Analytics, Strategic Planning, Training & Development, Marketing, Sales, and New Product Development strategies. Suj helps organizations design and implement transformational data driven initiatives in the areas of Supplier Diversity, Marketing and Sales, and New Production Development
She works with corporations to optimize investment in the areas of Growth strategies and Innovation by leveraging state of the art technology platforms. She is a frequent speaker at company and industry events. Her clients include a number of Fortune 500 companies across several industries.
Suj is co-author of the HBR classic “Ending the War between Sales and Marketing” with Philip Kotler and Neil Rackham. Her work and research with Phil Kotler and Rob Walcott on Marketing and Product Development have been featured in the Wall Street Journal and MIT Sloan Review. She is currently working on a global research project on value management in Supplier Diversity.
She is a contributing author to the book “India’s Global Powerhouses.” Suj came to the US on a Fellowship to obtain her Ph.D. in Organizations and Strategy from the University of Iowa. She worked with Prof. Jim Price(student of Robert Merton) and Prof. Frank Schmidt (the pioneer of Meta analysis). Suj is well trained in the Mertonian tradition in Sociology as well as in advanced analytical frameworks.
Prior to coming to the US, Suj obtained her B.A. in Sociology from Stella Maris College, Chennai and a Masters in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
Suj started her career as a Research Analyst in the Media industry. She worked on Customer Engagement Research and Strategic Planning projects for major Media clients including The New York Times and Nielsen Corporation.
In 2000, Suj established Strategic Insights with a focus on research and analytics driven strategic planning, Growth Strategies, and New Product Development. The firm also provides Sales Training for clients in a variety of industries. Suj was one of the contributors to the development of the Challenger Sales training program.